Our Award Winning
Founder has had a lifetime
of innovation and success

of the Year 2022

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of the year 2020

Ted speaker

Fastest growing
Companies 2019

2x #1 best selling
author 2018 & 2022
Our Award Winning
Founder has had a lifetime
of innovation and success

of the Year 2022

achievement 2022

of the year 2020

Ted speaker

Fastest growing
Companies 2019

2x #1 best selling
author 2018 & 2022

Ashley Black, known for the invention of FasciaBlaster,
pioneering Fasciology and training Fasciologists
Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the dense system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Black’s work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.
She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc’s Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley’s self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.
Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book, about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.
In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity, to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc’s Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work to date.
The Story of the Fasciablaster

Born in a small town in Alabama in 1972, Ashley Black's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and innovation. From a young age, Ashley faced the tough realities of living with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Endless, painful medical procedures and an overwhelming reliance on pharmaceuticals left her yearning for an alternative path. Even as a child, she demonstrated a remarkable tenacity, experimenting with her own health through hot and cold therapy, food charting, and other self-discovered methods. Her determination to rise above her condition pushed her to defy medical expectations and become a competitive gymnast—an extraordinary feat for someone with her diagnosis.
At age 30, Ashley's resilience was tested once again when she contracted a life-threatening flesh-eating bacteria after giving birth. The infection wreaked havoc on her body, entering her bones and leaving her with a femur and pelvis that had to be rebuilt. Doctors gave her a grim prognosis: a life of pain management and disability. Yet, Ashley refused to accept this fate. Drawing on her athletic background and fierce determination, she began her most profound journey—one of self-healing and groundbreaking discovery.
Her fascination with fascia—a connective tissue system largely overlooked in mainstream medicine—became the cornerstone of her recovery. Driven by curiosity and necessity, Ashley immersed herself in studying fascia, traveling the globe to learn from experts and healers across disciplines. Her obsession led to a breakthrough understanding of how fascia affects every aspect of the body, from chronic pain to athletic performance. Through radical experimentation and relentless study, Ashley ultimately healed herself, defying all odds.
Determined to share her knowledge and empower others, Ashley spent over two decades pioneering the field of Fasciology. As a Fasciologist, she helped thousands of individuals suffering from fascia-related conditions, earning a reputation for her transformative treatments. Her expertise drew a high-profile clientele, including celebrities, professional athletes, and even Royals.
Despite her success in elite circles, Ashley felt a deeper calling: to make her revolutionary techniques accessible to everyone.
This mission led to her most significant achievement—the invention of the FasciaBlaster, a tool that has revolutionized self-care for millions around the world. With the FasciaBlaster, Ashley has transformed lives by empowering individuals to take control of their health, addressing chronic pain, cellulite, and more through the power of fascia.
Today, Ashley Black stands as a beacon of hope and innovation. Her journey from a small-town girl with a chronic illness to a globally recognized wellness pioneer is a testament to her indomitable spirit. Through her lived experience, groundbreaking research, and unrelenting drive to help others, Ashley has built a legacy that will inspire generations to come.
The Future of Ashley
Black’s Fasciology
Fasciology is a science that is centered around the system of the body known as fascia. This is a unique field of medicine because, in the study of Fasciology, the genesis anatomy and physiology are different. Instead of Learning the traditional model of individual body parts like muscles, bones, nerves, organs, and so on, a Fasciologist’s perspective from day one starts with the fascia. A Fasciologist’s fundamental understanding of human anatomy begins with knowledge and perspective that fascia is the first cell of life, the zygote, and a human being develops within the framework of the fascia system. Their approach to human health and performance, as well as beauty and anti-aging, is fascia-centric. Because of this commencement, the field of Fasciology approaches preventive and regenerative medicine from a completely different vantage point than a traditional medical field such as Physical Therapy, Orthopedics, Neurology, etc.

Although Osteopaths, massage therapists, and other bodywork fields are emerging with the realization that fascia therapies are important to incorporate into their disciplines, their foundational knowledge is skewed by the training of the traditional model of anatomy. Their dissection training consists of removing the fascia and then removing and observing the parts. A Fasciologist would study the anatomy by dissecting the body layer by layer with a focus on the structure and ubiquitous nature of fascia. When a Fasciologist designs treatments, the focus is to restore the entire fascial system, not just the part of the body that may be presenting with pain. Even with fascia becoming “trendy,” fascia treatments are not something that should be added to a doctor or therapist with classical training’s arsenal. Massaging fascia in an isolated area or looking to the fascia to create symmetry is an incomplete model to a Fasciologist. For a Fasciologist, fascia treatments are the epi-center of the understanding, and treatments are fascia-centric. A Fasciologist approaches health believing that if the fascia is healthy, everything else is healthy.
Black traveled all over the world and had source documents about fascia translated into English to learn about fascia. Her quest for knowledge to help others led her to realize that there is no core education program for Fasciology. Practitioners of fascia treatments stumbled on pockets of fascia enthusiasts and scientists scattered around the globe. Knowing firsthand how important this approach to health is, Black wanted to ensure that fascia knowledge and treatments were preserved and brought to the public accurately. Since there is no Fascia University, Ashley founded the Fascia Advancement Academy and a charity for fascia research. She trademarked the term Fasciology to reserve it for her education system. She now owns an accredited school where Fasciology is taught as a core curriculum, and students can become certified in Preventive and Regenerative Fasciology.

Ashley Black, Costa Rica and Life Beyond the FasciaBlaster
Ashley Black resides in Costa Rica. She moved there full-time after her children entered University. Black originally moved to Costa Rica for surfing and Yoga but is immersed in the Blue Zone, where residents live well beyond 100, disease-free. Ashley has devoted her life and career to the advancement of health, and living in Costa Rica is an ongoing reflection of her life’s work.
She is also dedicated to environmental causes and leads initiatives. Black is also moving her global headquarters and some of the FasciaBlaster manufacturing to San Jose, Costa Rica, where she will work towards zero waste and a carbon-neutral footprint. She also owns several medical device companies and an IP portfolio company.
Black lives on the Pacific Coast, outside the surfer’s paradise of Nosara. She has 5 adult children, 3 biological children, and 2 she embraced as her own.

For more on Fasciablaster Research

For more on Are Fascia Blasters Safe?

For more on Fascia Blasting: What Is It?

For more on Fascia and Autoimmune

For more on Does FasciaBlasting Really Work?

For more on Can the Fasciablaster make Cellulite Worse?