Fascia is the collagen-rich connective tissue that surrounds and penetrates everything in your body down to the mitochondria—it feeds and provides energy to our muscles, organs and skin and houses our blood, lymphatic and nervous systems. Keeping your fascia healthy helps improve flexibility, reduces pain1, boost recovery2 and smooth skin’s texture3
As we age, fascia can become thick and stiff and have adhesions that block it’s vital core functions. Healthy fascia gives your body the foundation it needs to move better, feel better, look better and stay youthful.
FasciaBlaster is a
healing tool
for Many
Fascia Based Issues
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Fascia is the new
must-have among
celebrities, athletes
and doctors

FasciaBlasting Work?
This is not our opinion; check
out the science

Bad fascia is characterized by being thick (fibrotic), tangled (fascia adhesions), and unorganized (not laying down in cohesive layers)
In 90 days of FasciaBlasting, as shown in the ultrasound, the fascia regenerated to a native state: thin, supple, and organized.
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