How To Care For Your FasciaBlaster

How To Clean Your FasciaBlasters
Clean with organic soap and water

Many harsh chemicals can break down the FasciaBlaster materials. In general, the more organic and mild the cleaner, the better.
We recommend organic soap and water with a kitchen scrubbing brush
Here are some things that can degrade the material of FasciaBlasters:
Household cleaners like Lysol, Pinesol and Isopropanol
Hospital-grade cleaners
Anything with bleach or ammonia
Petroleum-based products like WD-40.
Other substances to avoid:
Ethylene chloride, chloroform, tetrachloroethane, m-cresol, pyridine, alkalines, alkali salts, amines,
and high ozone concentrations.
Our FasciaAdvancement Academy uses and recommends
Clean Freak Brand Wipes. You can order here.

How To Store Your FasciaBlasters
To protect them for the long-term

Store in a dry, cool area away from direct sunlight and heat sources. If you live in extreme desert arid conditions, wrap your FasciaBlasters in wet towels and store them in a dark or humidified room. Do not expose the FasciaBlasters to extreme temperatures.
Temperatures To Avoid

Do not expose the FasciaBlasters to temperatures within this range.
Using it in the sauna is within an acceptable temperature range and is recommended.
Don’t Drop Them Just Right
How to limit ‘droppage’

Although we thoroughly test our products through chemical testing, dropping from various heights, machines that work the FasciaBlasters and many other various methods, they can break if you drop them just right.

We recommend using our spray or roller Blaster Oil to keep hands dry during blasting.
FasciaBlasters For Professional Use
To each their own
Although we test FasciaBlasters for longevity by having them challenged by robots, standing on them, force-bending them, etc., we believe you can extend their lifespan by using them for personal use.

If you are using the FasciaBlaster tools for 8 hours a day or longer, we recommend you have your patients buy their tools and bring them with them. This takes the burden and liability of cleaning off the practitioner and allows less use of the professionals' tools.
Click here to learn about our wholesale program.
What To Do If I Experience
Breakage Or Any Other Problem
Let us know
We offer a warranty for breakages up to 1000 days.
Simply email
For small breakages that might not be worth the trouble of returning, like a claw falling off, you are
welcome to try Gorilla Glue.

Check out our curated
kit for beginners
Cited Works
* The Fasciablaster tools have not been cleared by the FDA for the treatment of any disease
Ashley Black, Inventor Of The Fasciablaster

Ashley Black is a decorated inventor, thought leader, and entrepreneur. She is best known for her work in the field of Fasciology. Fasciology is the study of the system of the body called fascia. Fascia is publicly known as the connective tissue, or web, that holds our body together, but fascia is also the viscous system that surrounds and feeds every cell in our bodies. Her work is directly related to the regeneration of this system of the body and the astounding effects this process can have on beauty, sports performance, and medical conditions.
She is best known for inventing instrument-assisted fascia techniques and tools, commercially known as FasciaBlasters. The tools entered the marketplace in 2014 and have become a household product. Black was the first person to write a #1 National Best Selling book about fascia, and she was the first person to do a TED Talk on fascia. By 2017-2018, her innovations and perseverance were rewarded with the American Business Association Stevie Award for Entrepreneur of the Year. IAOPT also awarded her with the Inventor of the Year. She also hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies in America for the first time. This era was wrapped up with Ashley's self-reported highest accomplishment to date: the peer-reviewed Medical Publication of Research proving that FasciaBlasters can regenerate fascia tissue.
Since then, Ashley has received several awards, beginning with a second #1 National Best Selling Book about the struggles of females in business and authenticity in branding. She also received two global Stevie Awards from the International Business Association: Woman of the Year and a Lifetime Achievement Award for Consumer Goods.
In 2022, Ashley founded The Fascia Advancement Academy and the Fascia Advancement Charity to teach bodyworkers Fasciology. She has hit Inc's Fastest Growing Companies list for a second time, with over $150MM in revenue, profitable and growing. She boasts over 9 million social media followers and over 1 trillion unique media impressions for her work.