Ashley Black’s Kryomat™ Large


The Large KryoMat is the crown jewel of all the KryoPacks for me. For full-body inflammation, this is a must-have product and practice in your health care regimen.

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SKU: HCP-10 Categories: , ,


The Large KryoMat is the crown jewel of all the KryoPacks for me. The goal with cold therapy was to emulate the experience of a cryo-freeze chamber or cold tub dunk. After years of working with professional athletes, this type of therapy was a staple, but it is almost inaccessible to the general public. This massive mat (63″ x 31.5″ ), can be laid on, laid under, or can be wrapped around like a burrito. It is heavy and will require a full-size freezer to store (17.7″ x 16″ x 4.7″ and 27 lbs), but will be well worth the extra effort. For full-body inflammation, this is a must-have product and practice in your health care regimen.
* Non-refundable. ALL SALES FINAL

⭐ Cold blanket for overall cold
⭐ lay on it to mold to the spine
⭐ a practitioner fantasy for post-treatment
⭐ get two and lay on one and under one
⭐ Like a traveling Kryofreeze

✅ Skin
✅ Fascia tissue
✅ Bruising
✅ Muscles
✅ Fat pockets
✅ Tightness / Tension
✅ Discomforts

Additional information

Weight 30 lbs