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The Cellulite Myth Daily Companion Guide: Your 12-Week Journey to Transformation

The Cellulite Myth Daily Companion Guide: Your 12-Week Journey to Transformation

The Cellulite Myth Daily Companion Guide: Your 12-Week Journey to Transformation


    You can buy this product in 4 installments with SHOPpay

    Track your progress and reach your goals faster and more effectively with this easy-to-follow, step-by-step daily guide for your Cellulite Myth blasting journey and body transformation!

    Whether you are new to fasciablasting or a seasoned and experienced “Blaster Sister,” The Cellulite Myth Daily Companion Guide will help you stay on track with daily inspiration, checklists, and self-evaluations. Keep track of the changes in your body and see your overall well-being drastically improve!

    This 12-week journal keeps you focused and on track to reach your goal. It’s long been requested by fasciablasters who want to take control of their health—and now it’s here!

    We’re fast 💨, but not Prime.
    Please give us a couple of days to process your order and we will get it out the door as soon as we can.